
Girls in Technology

-we can code too-

The gender gap

Most people recognize that the lack of women in tech is a real problem. We’re not equipping our girls with the tools they need to access the highest-paying, fastest-growing jobs in the global economy. We are forgoing innovation from girls and women, who have incredible ideas and potential for transforming society. We’re leaving our girls, communities and entire markets behind. The question, then, is how do we bring more girls into this field?


Our mission

The “It’s a man’s world and a man’s job” mindset is injected in most female's brains.There are a number of reasons why girls who are interested in TECH don’t pursue technology-related degrees. These include negative stereotypes, lack of role models, discouragement, low self-confidence and fear of competing in a male-dominated industry. Somewhere along the way, girls get the message that computer science isn’t for them. But this doesn’t mean we can’t change this. We really believe that in order to increase the pool of girls in the TECH industry, we have to inspire young girls to be excited about it. It all should begin in a young girl’s mind. She should feel equal.
We want to give girls the message that technology jobs are interesting, varied and good for them. They can allow a young woman to see the world, grow and set herself up for the future in a well-paying and flexible environment. We need to show this to girls and keep drawing them to tech so we can all benefit.


There are no gender requirements in order to become a programmer. The will to code and follow your dreams, if not already, should be greater than other people’s opinions!

Our team

albina macy alisa